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What are the Advent Challenge Disciplines?

Exodus 90's Advent Challenge begins December 1st and runs through Christmas Eve. Learn what's involved.

Doyle Baxter avatar
Written by Doyle Baxter
Updated over 3 months ago

Read Advent Reading & Reflection - Read the daily scriptures from the Book of Isaiah for the season of Advent. The readings are your guide through this spiritual journey. Take time to let the word of God speak to you through these daily readings.

Pray the Angelus at 6am, Noon & 6pm - Prepare for the celebration of the Incarnation by meditating upon Mary's "yes" to God by praying the Angelus three times per day. The Angelus contains a series of three statements, interspersed with Hail Marys, about the mystery of the Incarnation and Mary's role within it.

10 Minutes of Silence each Morning - Begin the day with 10 minutes of silent vigil, keeping watch for the coming of the Lord.

10 Minutes of Silence each Night - End the day with 10 minutes of silent vigil, keeping watch for the coming of the Lord.

Be Uncommonly Present - God's presence in the Manger is his ultimate gift to us. And this we pattern by making ourselves uncommonly present to our family and friends throughout this season. Give up anything that takes you away from your time with them.

Regular Fraternity Meeting - As holiday schedules allow, come together regularly as a fraternity to check in about their fidelity to their Plan of Life and pray together. Stay faithful to this commitment you made to your brothers. Do your part to make your fraternity a committed band of brothers.

Cold Shower Wednesday & Friday - On Wednesdays & Fridays, take a cold shower as an act of self-sacrifice. As you prepare to step into the water, intentionally pray that the grace of this sacrifice may make you more present to your family and friends.

No Meat Wednesday & Friday - Do not consume meat on Wednesdays or Fridays in honor of Christ's betrayal and death on the cross during Holy Week. Look for other sources of protein such as beans, peanut butter, etc.

Celebrate the Sundays of Advent - Every Sunday is a Little Easter and should be observed with celebration and rest. In Advent, this celebration is one of joyful anticipation. As the O Antiphons state it so aptly: "Come, Root of Jesse, to set us free! Hasten now, and do not delay!"

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