After reflecting on prayer and asceticism, we might be tempted to think about fellowship in Exodus 90 as an afterthought. St. John, however, viewed fraternity as a confirmation that we are living according to God’s will for us: “We know that we have passed out of death into life, because we love the brethren" (1 John 3:14). It’s necessary not only for the good we can do for others but also because we need the help of other men to grow in genuine freedom in Christ.
So many men are isolated and alone today, making us susceptible to the whims, temptations, and empty show of the devil. Many men have buddies with whom they can watch sports and drink beer, and there's nothing wrong with that. But we also need to have brothers who know who we are, what we are really going through, and to whom we can become accountable.
Prioritizing Christian brotherhood each week, especially for married men in the hustle of work and family life, can be challenging. But that time is essential.
Exodus fraternities are one of the few places in the entire world where men can be open and honest with each other. It’s not about who you know, what you have accomplished, or how you’ve got it all together. Exodus fraternities are meant to be the absolute opposite of this worldly perspective of masculinity, a place to be real about the struggles we all experience today.
What do you talk about in your fraternity meeting? We have crafted a unique meeting guide to support your conversation each week of Exodus 90, and also for every week of the Easter Season and the rest of the year.
Admittedly, the first few weeks will be awkward as you get to know one another, and that’s completely normal. Hang in there, and commit to your weekly fraternity meeting and daily check-in with your anchor. When it’s time for you to share, the most important thing is how you are actually doing. Where are you? What’s really going on underneath the surface? How do you believe God is at work in your life? Where are you facing an idol that you need to bring forth so that your brothers can support and encourage you in your journey to freedom?
Conversations exclusively focused on the ascetic disciplines of Exodus 90 are shallow and superficial. Asceticism is important, but these fraternal conversations should become deeper, focusing on the really important things in life.
Between fraternity meetings, you and your anchor commit to supporting and keeping one another accountable. Your anchor check-ins each day can be brief, and the check-in feature in the app makes it easy. Be a good anchor, and your anchor will step up and be a good anchor for you. If you notice that a brother may need something more from you, give him a call or visit him in person.
It is never too late to invite a man into your fraternity. As you start, there may be men who want to join, especially in the first few weeks of Exodus 90 or at the start of Lent.
Please pray about who you should invite, and when the Holy Spirit prompts you to invite someone unexpected, do not say “no.” Exodus fraternities are not places for perfect Catholic or Christian men, because none of us are. Invite the man that God places on your heart, whether he practices the faith or not. You will get “noes,” but you may be shocked by who says “yes.” Exodus can change the trajectories of lives, and because the influence of a virtuous man is so powerful, you are altering the course of history and making an eternal impact that you cannot possibly comprehend in this life when you do. Please, say “no” for no one, and invite the man that God places on your heart.