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How Closely Do You Need To Follow the Disciplines of Easter 50?
How Closely Do You Need To Follow the Disciplines of Easter 50?

"Lord, you have probed me, you know me: you know when I sit and stand; you understand my thoughts from afar." (Psalm 139:1-2)

Stephen Zepp avatar
Written by Stephen Zepp
Updated over a week ago

Question: How closely do you need to follow the disciplines of Easter 50?

Answer: "Do whatever he tells you" John 2:5

If you are reading this article, you likely want to help discern how to live out specific disciplines during an Exodus spiritual exercise.

The ascetic disciplines are not a list of ways to make your life miserable—they are a roadmap to uncommon freedom. As you embrace the life of prayer, asceticism, and fraternity, take the example of the early Christian Church in Jerusalem. In this community, “Each does what he can, nor is he praised who has done much, nor is he blamed who has done less” (Egeria’s Travels, c. 380 AD).

Getting Practical

Discerning how you will follow God's will is not a science—there is no formula for figuring out exactly how the Lord is calling you to freedom. However, there is one question that is particularly helpful as you make this discernment: What's your intention?

Why do you want to go to the church movie night? Why do you want to put syrup on your pancakes? Why do you want to do whatever it is that led you to this article?

Do you want to do X because it is easier, because you deserve it, or maybe because you just need to get your fix? Or do you want to do it because it will bring your family together, it will be polite, or it will help you grow stronger?

Here is our practical guide for discerning how to follow the disciplines of Exodus:

The Discernment Guide

  1. Consider the circumstances around your question.

  2. Clearly articulate your question.

  3. Be honest with yourself about why you are asking this question. What is your intention?

  4. Take it to prayer. Ask the Lord:

    1. Whether your intention aligns with the lifestyle of uncommon freedom.

    2. How this decision relates to your why.

    3. If he has drawn your attention to this because he is asking you to make a sacrifice.

  5. If your time in prayer does not leave you at peace about your decision, bring this question up to your fraternity spiritual director (if you have one) or to your fraternity for further advice.

  6. Consider whether you should share this discernment with your fraternity or your anchor.

  7. "Do whatever he tells you" (John 2:5).

Whatever the result, know that God, the all-good Father, always has your best interest in mind. It may not feel like it in the moment, but he knows and sees far more than we ever will. Trust in his goodness. 

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