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Canceling Exodus 90 Subscription and Payments
Canceling Exodus 90 Subscription and Payments

How to cancel Exodus 90 Subscription

Updated over 2 months ago

How to cancel Exodus 90 depends on how you subscribed in the first place. There are three possible ways to pay for Exodus 90 and instructions for canceling are broken down below by each type.

  1. Apple App Store Subscription (will appear on CC as

  2. Google Play Store Subscription (will appear on CC as GOOGLE *Exodus 90)

Cancel Apple App Store Subscription

If you have an iPhone and used In-App-Purchase (available since November 2021), you will need to cancel your subscription from through Apple. These charges would appear as "" or ""

We've provided an overview of the steps below, but please reference Apple Support for the latest details on how to do this. If you need a refund, you will have to request it through Apple, but we're always willing to help if that doesn't work.

Steps to cancel:

  1. Go to the Settings App on your iPhone

  2. Tap your name

  3. Tap "Subscriptions"

  4. Select the Exodus 90 subscription

  5. Tap "Cancel Subscription". You might need to scroll down to find the Cancel Subscription button.

Cancel Google Play Store Subscription

If you are an Android user and subscribed through the Google Play on your app these purchases would show up on your CC as "GOOGLE *Exodus 90".

In order to cancel please follow the below steps or just go directly to this simplified workflow provided by Google's Help System.

  1. Open the Google Play app

  2. At the top right, tap the profile icon with your picture

  3. Tap "Payments & subscriptions"

  4. Select "Exodus 90: The #1 Freedom App" from the list

  5. Tap "Cancel subscription"

  6. Follow the instructions

Cancel Credit Card Subscription Directly Through Exodus

If you paid in a browser or your account is older than November 2021, here are the steps you'll take:

If you wish to keep your account, but cancel the membership subscription (so you pause and reactivate later), please reach out to us at support with a simple note indicating that you would like to cancel. We'll reset your app to a free trial for 14 days and cancel your subscription.

Or if you wish to delete your account entirely and cancel, follow these instructions:

  1. log in to your account @

  2. go to settings (upper right-hand corner)

  3. scroll down and click on "delete account"

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