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Can I Do Exodus Exercises Alone?

Fraternity is an important part of the Exodus lifestyle. It is where comradery and accountability bring forth authentic masculinity.

Updated over a year ago

You need brothers, and they need you. Real fraternity is one of the most obvious and yet overlooked aspects of the Christian life today. When we challenge each other to do what is good and hold each other accountable to doing it, great fruits consistently come about. Great fruits, not just for us but for our entire community. That is why community is one of the essential parts of the Exodus lifestyle.

What Does Fraternity Look Like

You will meet weekly as a fraternity of 6-8 men. These meetings usually take an hour but can be done in as little as thirty minutes with the “Weekly Meeting Guide” on the app.

In addition to these meetings, you will pair up with one man in your fraternity. That man is your anchor, and you are his. Like an anchor in rock climbing and mountaineering, you should be a strong and reliable anchor for your brother. If he starts to fall, you need to be ready to hold his weight, lest you both hit the ground. 

Not only will you fast with these men, but when the time comes for celebration, you will also feast with them. This group of men will accompany you through the desert and into the promised land—to uncommon freedom.

How Will You Find A Fraternity?

Finding a group of men who are devoted to the life of prayer, asceticism, and fraternity has never been easier than it is today! Check out our article about how to find men who will join you as you find uncommon freedom.

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